Thursday, February 3, 2011

True story from showchoir competition.

This past Saturday, we had a showchoir competition at South Jones. I'm the set crew manager, and the crew and I were killing time until the second performance. We had about 5 hours to spare, so apparently becoming hyper and giggly was the best alternative. We were walking through an empty parking lot when a train came by (we don't usually see trains up close here except for certain areas of the city). I jokingly suggested that we should chase the train. My three companions laughed at the idea and one of them, a 10th grader named Hollis, said, "Yes! Let's do it!" Up until then, he had been the more quiet member of the group. Needless to say, he surprised us all when he took off after the train.
Eventually Hollis returned, out of breath. Turns out there were people on the train that watched him the whole time. I can't imagine what they thought.