Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Scare My School

So today in computer programming, our teacher reminded us of an agreement we signed at the beginning of the year that basically made us swear to "never go to any bad website on a school computer, to not engage in any Internet activity that could be hurtful to another student, and to never post any inappropriate, explicit, or incriminating information on any website." Part of me hopes that my school is flexible about the 'inappropriate" posts. The other part wants to scare the crap out of them. -evil cackle-

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Procrastination doesn't always pay.

So over the holidays, our calculus teacher assigned us a take home test. I, having much more self confidence in myself than I ever should have, decided to wait until the night before to try to get it done, because I was going to "Buckle down" and do it all in one sitting. Did that happen? Nooo....

But I did manage to get at least some of it done. I was quite proud of my half-assed efforts. However, my joy was short lived, because at the end of second period I was told, to my dismay, that the test was supposed to be turned in before school started. 

All together now: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU----------

Mike's New Blog

As a good friend, I wanted to help my friend Mike, who sits next to me in computer programming, figure out a good name for his blog that he's creating. After a little while, we came up with a name. I was pretty proud of it, finding it both catchy and borderline inappropriate. However, our enthusiasm quickly turned sour when we discovered a fatal error.

My First Day! (night)

Hello, all. This is my first blog post. Ever.

No, really, it is.

So we have a project going on in computer programming class in which we are supposed to start a blog, and blog about something. Personally, I find that a little boring, and I would rather just start my own little, fantastically awesome web-comic-type blog. (Also, I have a pretty good grade in my class, so I don't mind if I only get completion credit.) It's currently almost two AM, and I kinda promised myself I'd be in bed before midnight. Yeah, right. With all my procrastinating and writing short story and creating this blog, I managed to put off my take home math test until 1 AM which is, coincidentally, NOT my best time for mathematics or logics. However, I pulled through, and am now rewarding myself with my first blog post.

I also managed to semi-make my first comic in Paint. Of course it looks like someone crapped on a page, smeared it around, then puked on it for emphasis, but hey, it's a start.

But anyway, my printer just ran out of paper and needs to be babied along to finish printing my short fiction. Hopefully it can manage this task before morning.
